Thursday, 14 April 2011

Away from the Tiller

My recent absence is due to a short excursion to Ireland to visit with my people... learned to pull the perfect Guinness pint, so, not a totally wasted trip. I should be back on line regularly in a few days... Internet is sketchy at best for awhile.


  1. Figures you would leave on LEONHARD EULER'S 304th Birthday Anniversary! ;-)

    Imagine, in 100 years, when people actually CAN live to 300, thanks to biology, thanks in turn to Chemistry, to physics, thanks to MATH ! :-)

  2. I know, My students may have a field day with my not posting on THAT day... after I taught them to cross themselves when they say his name...

  3. As well they should. :-)

    Off topic: click here . That's about how American High School Teachers have zero leeway in what they teach. I'm going to take a wild guess it refers to State, not Private education. It's fairly depressing, sorry, so don't read if you're happy and wish to stay that way today.
