Sunday, 15 May 2011

Art in Motion

Just found this on the  blog of Richard Wiseman, a magician/mathematician/author from here in England.. Anyone know a name for this art, and how they are done? 

Thanks to Nate, (see comments) it seems that something very similar has ben done in childrens books and walls all over America.


  1. I don't know what it is called but I know how to do it.

    It is a series of several (four I think in this case) images cut into lengthwise strips and alternated - the cover has a 1/4 size open slot so you one of the images with each pass .... while the other three are covered. As you move the paper alternating images are seen and the concept of "presistance of vision" lets the brain see action.

  2. Sala,
    Thanks, I have to try one of these.. they remind me of old zeotropes

  3. I think it is a Moire fringe effect...

  4. Nice find Uncle pat, takes a whole new meaning to bar codes and such....

  5. My sister gave my kids a book with this called Gallop! by Rufus Butler Seder. The author refers to it as Scanimation and I think it is his idea. There are three books: Gallop!, Waddle! and Swing! which are all full of these neat animations. I've been wishing I would make some of these with my students.
