Monday 21 October 2024

Viete on Pythagorean Triples


Viete is too little known to American High School Students (and might I say teachers???) Most would enjoy his method of taking any two Pythagorean Triples, and producing two more with a common hypotenuse. Pretty brilliant guy.

Reading The Analytic Art by Francois Viete, or at least the T R Witmer translation, and came across an interesting way of combining the legs of any two Pythagorean triples to create two others. Viete calls the two methods synaeresis and diaeresis, which seem to be language terms Viete appropriated. Synaeresis is cramming two vowel sounds together to make one... like the way people in New Orleans say "Nor"leans. I think the official term is diphthong, but check with an English major for confirmation. The actual Greek roots mean “a joining or bringing together" or something similar Diaeresis is stretching one vowel out into two....and you can find your own example...
To illustrate Viete's approach, we can take two simple right triangles, say a 3-4-5 and a 5-12-13 as examples. Viete's method would produce two triangles whose hypotenuses( hypotenii?) were both 5x13 = 65 units. Viete distinguished between the legs calling them base and the perpendicular, so in the 3-4-5 triangle the base is 3 and the perpendicular is 4. It doesn't matter which is called what name, of course except that it reverses the outcomes of the two methods. The Synaeresic method would be to add the products of each base with the perpendicular of the other triangle; 3x12+ 4x5 = 56. This would give one leg of the new triangle. To find the other leg take the difference of the products of the two bases from the two perpendiculars; 4x12 - 3x5 = 33. This completes a triple of 33-56-65.

The second method, simply reverses the signs of conjunction. Subtract the two perpendicular x base products and add the two products of a common part. The crossed terms gives 3x12-4x5 = 16 for one leg, while the products of like parts gives 4x12+3x5=63 for the other, completing a 16-63-65 right triangle.

There is a complexity about this simple method that bothered me for awhile before it hit me.  More on that later.

Ok, it's later, and I wrote more and .....

Everything's Coming up Polynomials, (and it gets complex)

So I've been doing what I imagine most mathematicians have been doing during the lockdown, prowling through old journals (1770 - 1970 mostly) a few old blogs and web pages I hadn't scanned in a while, and catching up when I could on who's tweeting what in math and history... and it seems that the things leaping out at me are all about polynomials, at least mostly. So reading through my notes about Leonard of Pisa (I hate to call him Fibonacci, nobody did, it seems, when he was alive, except maybe himself once but I'm feeling doubtful. And if you want to dive down that rabbit hole, here are my notes to start you off with "Who Was Fibonacci before He Was Fibonacci." ) 

 Leonardo's most famous book was the 1202 Liber Abaci, first because it had the rabbit problem, and second because it was really important in introducing Arabic base ten numbers to the West. Perhaps number two on his hit parade was his 1225 Libre Quadratorum, Book of Squares. Some of what he writes was known to the Pythagoreans, Proclus, and Euclid, and almost all was known by the time of Diophantus of Alexandria (about 100 AD). Certainly the proposition VI that I focus on was known to him, and to Brahmagupta, and in 1225 to Leonardo. Then it shows up in my other reading, but first, Proposition VI. It is sometimes called the Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity, because Brahmagupta extend it even farther than this method, but the basic version is this. If you have four numbers, and in the Pisano's words, "not in proportion, The first less than the second, and the third less than the fourth," then, in modern terminology, The sum of the squares of the first two, times the sum of the squares of the last two, creates a product that will be expressible in two different ways as the sum of two squares. And he tells you how to get those two numbers. If the first numbers are a, b, c, and d, then (a^2 + b^2) (c^2 + d^2) = (ac+bd)^2 + (ad-bc)^2, and don't worry about the signs, because it works if you switch them (ac-bd)^2 + (ad+bc)^2. Now it doesn't matter much what you start with , so let's do 1, 2, 4, 7 'cause they are easy. The product of the sums of squares is (1^1 + 2^2)(4^2 +7^2) = 5(65) = 325. So the first way to get this as a sum of two squares is (1*4+2*7)^2 + (1*7-4*2)^2= 18^2 +(-1)^2 = (Eureka) 325. Ok, but it has to work the other way, so (1*4-2*7)^2 + (1*7+4*2)^2 = (-10)^2 + 15^2 = 100 + 225 = 325....again. 

 Immediately you recognize (of course you would, even I did) that if you did this with two numbers that were legs of Pythagorean right triangles, you could find two right triangles that had a common hypotenuse that was the product of the two original hypotenii. And someone else who did that was the brilliant Francois Viete, around 1570 in his Genesis triagulorum. Now I don't thing Diophantus or Fibonacci either worked with negative numbers, and neither did Viete, but he did throw a curve ball because well after Robert Record gave that perfectly good, and really long, equal sign in his Whetstone of Witte, 1557, Viete and some continental renegades continued to use the same symbol for the absolute difference of two numbers, so when he wrote a=b he meant what's the difference between the bigger and the smaller. But he wrote the same rules. Now I admit when I first used this my mind went right to FOIL (I was lucky to be teaching before the mnemonic was sin), and the ac +bd chimed "first and last" to me, and ad + bc was outside inside, and that's how I remembered it. And then reading Viete (translated thank you) it looked different, and for some reason for the first time I saw what everyone may be seeing who is clever, but I never had. But before you actually think it, remember who we are reading here, Diophantus, Leonardo de Pisa, Francois Viete, all of them living well before it was understood how to multiply and divide COMPLEX NUMBERS. 

 That's right, if like me it didn't hit you, let's rewrite our first problem as (1+2i)(4+7i) Multiply away using the proper distributive property without an unsavory mnemonic, 1*4 + 2i*4 + 1*7i + 2i*7i, and we get 4 + 8i + 7i - 14, or -10 + 15i, and the (modulus, magnitude, absolute value, take your choice is \(\sqrt{(-10)^2 + 15^2} |) And the other solution is just to multiply by the conjugate of the second (1+2i)(4-7i) = (18 + 1i) Now Viete noticed something else "complex" about those numbers. And he described the two techniques with different names, the second (First and Last negative in my example) he called synaereseos, from a Greek verb meaning 'taken together'. The first (First and Last positive), he referred to as diaeresos, meaning 'taken to pieces.' He stated clearly that if you took the difference between the two smaller angles in the first two triangles, In this case, the arctan(1/2) = 26.56 degrees; and arctan(4/7) = 29.74 degrees. Not much difference, but then by his diaeresis, or conjugate method, the result is arctan(1/18) = 3.1798 degrees. Because he focused on the smallest angle, and didn't care whether it was next to the x or the y axis, he didn't notice that had he stayed with the angle next to the x-axis for his reference, in the Synaereseos result, the angle would have been the sum 56.31 degrees of the two original angles. But then he broke Leonardo of Pisa's first rule. Remember he said pick four numbers not in proportion. Veite said what if we make the two sets equal, that is, square the number. Using (3,4) and (3,4), using his first (taking together) we get (9+16)^2 +(12-12)^2 =25^2 which sort of gets the answer, but the (taken apart) method gives (9-16)^2 + (12+12)^2 = 7^2 + 24^ 2 = 25^2. If we preserve the angle of reference to be the one between the x axis and the hypotenuse, then the original 3,4,5 triangles have a measure of 36.869 degrees, their sum should be 73.739 degrees,exactly arctan(24/7) and their difference should be zero, perfect for the x=7, y=0. You get the same answers if you do these by (3+4i)^2; and it works in general for (3+4i)^n of your choice. 

 Because I was looking at some old blogs of Prof Dan Kalman and he had some really clever notes about.... polynomials. Some of which reminded me of some notes I wrote after reading one of his blogs back in 2013. Some of it I will share here, ignoring all the parts that required some small amount of calculus; but if you want the whole enchilada, about what Professor Kalman calls the "Marden's Theorem": I once read a description of math as like seeing islands in a great ocean covered by a mist. As you learn the subject you work around on an island and clear away some of the mist. Often your education jumps from one island to another at the direction of a teacher and eventually you have mental maps of parts of many separate islands. But at some point, you clear away a fog on part of an island and see it connects off to another island you had partially explored, and now you know something deeper about both islands and the connectedness of math. 

 I was recently reminded of one of those kinds of connections that ties together several varied topics from the high school education of most good math students. It starts with that over-criticized (and under-appreciated, Algebra I technique of factoring. Almost ever student in introductory algebra is introduced to a "sum and product" rule that relates the factors of a simple quadratic (with quadratic coefficient of one) to the coefficients. The rule says that if the roots are at p and q, then the linear coefficient will be the negative of p+q, and the constant term will be their product, pq. So for example, the simple quadratic with roots at x=2 and x=3 will be x2 - 5x + 6. I know from experience that if you take a cross section of 100 students who enter calculus classes after two+ year of algebra, very few will know that you can extend that idea out to cubics and higher power polynomials. An example for a polynomial with four roots will probably suffice for most to understand. Because the constant terms in linear factors are always the opposite of the roots, {if 3 is a root, (x-3) is a factor} it is easiest to negate all the roots before doing the math involved (at least for me it always was). (addendum: If you're starting without knowing the roots, the rule of thumb is to change the sign of the coefficients that modify an odd power, like the x, x^3 etc.) So if we wanted to find the simple polynomial with roots at -1, -2, -3, and -4 (chosen so all the multipliers are +, the factors are (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)(x+4) we would find that the fourth degree polynomial will have 10 for the coefficient of x^3 because 1+2+3+4 = 10, just as it works in the second term of a quadratic. After that, the method starts to combine sets of them. The next coefficient will be the sum of the products of each pair of factor coefficients. In the example I created we would add 1x2+1x3+1x4+2x3+2x4+3x4 to get 35x2. The next term sums all triple products of the numbers, 1x2x3 + 1x2x4 + 1x3x4 + 2x3x4 = 50 for the linear coefficient. And in the constant term, we simply multiply all of them together to get 24. 

 In a talk in 2011 (I think) Prof. Kalman introduced what I guess I would call a rule of thumb about "reverse polynomials". Most of us are better at polynomials that have a first term of one, but sometimes you get some with "ugly" leading coefficients and 1 as the constant, Maybe 12x^2 - 7x + 1, and we need to find the roots. One of the nice rules Prof Kalman points out is a relation between polynomials like that, and their reversal, 1x^2-7x +12, which you suddenly, almost instantly recognize as (x-4)(x-3) with roots of x=3, 4. So how does that help, well let's walk through the other one. Reversing our thinking, then it must be (4x-1)(3x-1) and so the roots are...aha, 1/4 and 1/3, the inverse of the reversal. Sure enough, the sum of the roots is 7/12 and the product is 1/12. 

 The professor points out one more way you can get clues about finding, or checking solutions. If you look at some big long polynomial like 2x^5 + 5x^4 + 3x^3 - 7x^2 + 3x +4, you not only know that the sum of the roots are -5/2, and the product of the roots is 4/2 = 2, you also can imagine the reverse and say the sum of the reciprocals is -4/3, and the product of the reciprocals is 1/2. He extends this idea that the reverse polynomials have roots that are the inverse of the original to something he calls palindrome Polynomials, and shows how their roots must come in pairs of inverses.


Ratio, Rational and Irrational ... History and Etymology of Math Terms


The ancient root of ratio comes from the same early Indo-European root that gave us arithmetic. It is sometimes given as ar and sometimes ree. In its earliest incarnations the word may have related to "fitting together", but quickly took on a meaning related to counting (putting all the items together into one group, perhaps). By the Latin reri it had taken on the ideas of "reason", from which comes rational, and ratio for a comparison of two magnitudes. Rate is a synonym for ratio and comes from the same source. The word rational is used in common language to mean a method of thinking based on logic and reason, and in mathematics to describe a comparison of two magnitudes. A rational number is a number that may be expressed as a ratio of two integers. The letter Q is generally used to represent the set of rational numbers. At Jeff Miller's web site on the earliest use of some math symbols, I found the statement, "Q for the set of rational numbers and Z for the set of integers are apparently due to N. Bourbaki. (N. Bourbaki was a group of mostly French mathematicians which began meeting in the 1930s, aiming to write a thorough unified account of all mathematics.) The letters stand for the German Quotient and Zahlen. These notations occur in Bourbaki's Algébre, Chapter 1. "

The real numbers may be divided into two sets by separating numbers into the rational numbers, and the irrational numbers. Rational numbers are numbers that may be expressed as the ratio of two integers. All common fractions would be in this category, 2/3 or 5/4, as well as the integers themselves since 3 can be expressed as the ratio of 3/1. Any decimal expression that terminates after some time can be expressed as a rational number also. As an example, .35 can be written as 35/100 or 7/20. Decimal numbers that repeat the same string of digits forever are also rational numbers. Expressions like .444….. can also be represented as 4/9, and in general it is easy to express any decimal fraction that repeats right from the decimal point by writing the repeating string in the numerator and as many nines as there are digits in the repeat string in the denominator. For example the three digit repeat sequence .453453453…. can be written as 453/999. A little algebra allows us to show that if the number repeats after some initial non-repeating sequence, it can still be rewritten as a rational. For example .23453453…. can be written as a rational with the numerator equal to 23453-23= 23430; and the denominator equal to 99900 (note that three digits repeated, hence three nines, and two did not, hence two zeros).

Irrational numbers are real numbers that can NOT be expressed as a ratio of two rational numbers. The story of the irrationals probably starts with the Pythagorean discovery that the diagonal of a square could not be expressed as a ratio of the sides in any way. If the sides of the square are 1 unit in length, the diagonal will have a length that is the square root of two, so  is irrational. The  is approximately equal to 1.41423156… but the decimal expansion never reaches a point where some cycle repeats itself forever. In fact all square roots of integers that are not perfect squares (numbers like 1, 4, 9, 16, etc) are irrational. Other famous numbers that are irrational include Pi, which is appx 3.14159265… and e, which is appx 2.7182818284590… and the golden ratio which is appx 1.6180339… .

A recent discussion on the Historia Matematica list explains the origin and development of irrational. I have clipped parts of several documents.

In the eminent website Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics I read about the history of the word irrational:
Cajori (1919, page 68) writes, "It is worthy of note that Cassiodorius (6th C)was the first writer to use the terms 'rational' and 'irrational' in the sense now current in arithmetic and algebra."
Irrational is used in English by Robert Recorde in 1551 in The Pathwaie to Knowledge: "Numbres and quantitees surde or irrationall."
Heath mentions (Vol 1 p. 92) that Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorius presented Greek geometry in his encyclopaedia "De artibus ac disciplinis liberalium literarum" (about 475 A.D.). I suppose it is there Cajori has found the terms 'rational' and 'irrational'. Perhaps in his writing about proposition 47, book I? But did Cassiodorius really mention irrational numbers? Does 'now current' mean that he in some sense had a numberline?
I know that Jacques Peletier in 1563 uses the word irrational number and he means that the sum of a rational and a irrational number is always irrational according to, what he calls a philosophical axiom. [Staffan Rodhe]

Let me intervene in this learned discussion with the following remarkable observation made by Johan Kepler in the first pages of his Harmoniae Mundi. The Greek words translated by the Latin "rational" and "irrational" (segments, i.e., numbers) are "logos" and "alogos", resp. When in Greek mathematics one mentions "logoi" or "alogoi" in connection with segments (such as the side and diagonal of a quadrilateral) it means "expressible" or "un-expressible", resp., Hence the Latin translation "rational" and "irrational" is a mis-translation, and it should better be translated as "expressible" or "inexpressible", resp., when appearing in the mathematical context. But now is too late for such a reformation of terminology. Yaakov S. Kupitz

There are actually three Greek words having similar meaning. In Plato one finds occasionally "arrhetos" (unspeakable, inexpressible, related to "rhetoric") and "alogos" (irrational, "illogical"). The word in Euclid is "a-sym-metra" (plural) referring to two in-com-mensurables (a piece-for-piece translation of "asymmetra", and somewhat distinct from the English cognate "asymmetric"). I find it interesting that the English word "unspeakable" carries a heavy emotional connotation of being "too horrible for words," but that connotation is not in the Greek "arrhetos". [Roger Cooke]


On This Day in Math - October 21


“Martin has turned thousands of children into mathematicians, and thousands of mathematicians into children.”~Ron Graham on Martin Gardner

The 294th day of the year; 294 is a practical number because all numbers strictly less than 294 can be formed with sums of distinct divisors of 294. There are only 84 such numbers in the year.

294 is the number of planar 2-connected graphs with seven vertices.

Found this oddity in my notes: 111152- 2942 = 123,456,789

2(294)+9(294)+4(294) - 1 is 4409, a prime


In 2024, the Orionid meteor shower should rain down its greatest number of meteors on the morning of October 21, in a moonless sky. The shower takes place as Earth passes through the trail of Halley's Comet ☄️  

The Orionids meteor shower, often shortened to the Orionids, is the most prolific meteor shower associated with Halley's Comet. The Orionids are so-called because the point they appear to come from, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Orion, but they can be seen over a large area of the sky.

The Orionids: Autumn's Best Night-Sky Show

1621 Kepler's Mother, Katherine, during her trial for witchcraft was shown the "instruments of torture."
"The whole case was now passed on the law faculty of the University of Tübingen, Kepler’s Alma Mater, who decided that Katharine should be taken to the hangman and shown the instruments of torture and ordered to confess. On 21st October 1621 this was duly carried out but the stubborn old lady refused to bend she said,"

“Do with me what you want. Even if you were to pull one vein after another out of my body, I would have nothing to admit.” Then she fell to her knees and said a Pater Noster. God would she said, bring the truth to light and after her death disclose that wrong and violence had been done to her. He would not take the Holy Ghost from her and would stand by her.

For more about this unusual woman, read Thony Christie's blog at *The Renaissance Mathematicus

Statue dedicated to her.

Witness testimony from her trial.

1743 In the United States, on October 21, 1743, Benjamin Franklin tracked a hurricane for the first time. It was the first recorded instance in which the progressive movement of a storm system was recognized.

1796 The date of a still uninterpreted cryptic entry "Vicimus GEGAN"" in Gauss’s scientific diary. There is a another insertion that also remains uninterpreted. He wrote "REV. GALEN" in the diary on April 8, 1799 *VFR

*Genial Gauss Gottingen

1803 John Dalton's Atomic Theory was first presented on 21st October 1803 to the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society of which he was President 1816-1844. *Open Plaques

1805 British Admiral Nelson defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets in the Battle of Trafalgar by adopting the tactic of breaking the enemy line in two and concentrating his firepower on a few ships (orthodox tactics had the opponents facing each other in roughly parallel lines—the “line-ahead” formation). For an analysis of why this works see David H. Nash, “Differential equations and the Battle of Trafalgar”, The College Mathematics Journal, 16(1985), 98–102. *VFR

1845 After two unsuccessful attempts to present his work in person to the Royal Astronomer Sir George Biddell Airy, John Couch Adams left a copy of his calculation regarding a hypothetical planet at the Royal Observatory. Airy criticized the work and didn’t search for the planet until later. Consequently he didn’t discover Neptune. See 23 September 1846.   

1854 Florence Nightingale embarked for the Crimea on 21 October with thirty-eight nurses: ten Roman Catholic Sisters, eight Anglican Sisters of Mercy, six nurses from St. John's Institute, and fourteen from various hospitals. *Victorian Web Org

 She is best known for her work as a nurse, but she was also a pioneering statistician.  Nightingale used this statistical data to create her Polar Area Diagram, or "coxcombs" as she called them. These were used to give a graphical representation of the mortality figures during the Crimean War (1854 - 56).


An Wang Filed a Patent for a Magnetic Ferrite Core Memory

An Wang called his patent "pulse transfer controlling devices." Computer designers had been looking for a way to record and read magnetically stored information without mechanical motion, and Wang's concept of the magnetic core memory was central to later computer development. Two years later An Wang founded Wang Laboratories.

1965 Greece issued a postage stamp picturing Hipparchus and an astrolabe to commemorate the opening of the Evghenides Planetarium in Athens. [Scott #835]. *VFR

1976, the United States made a clean sweep of the Nobel Prizes, winning or sharing awards in chemistry, physics, medicine, economics, and literature. (No peace prize was awarded.)

1988 Science (pp. 374-375) reported that the 100-digit number 11104 + 1 was factored by using computers working in parallel using a quadratic sieve method. [Mathematics Magazine 62 (1989), p 70].*VFR

2011 Several people were awarded with the Ignobel Prize for mathematics for predictions about the end of the earth. Among the winners was the inappropriately named Elizabeth Clare Prophet who predicted the demise of the Earth in 1990, which most scholars on the existence of the earth now dispute. *

2015 Marty McFly and Doctor Emmet Brown "return" to this date in the future in the 1989 Sci-fi-sequel, Back to the Future II. The "future" included rocket powered skateboards... Do Razors count?


1687 Nicolaus(I) Bernoulli (21 Oct 1687 in Basel, Switzerland - 29 Nov 1759 in Basel) Nicolaus Bernoulli was one of the famous Swiss family of mathematicians. He is most important for his correspondence with other mathematicians including Euler and Leibniz. *SAU (Can't tell your Bernoulli's without a scorecard? Check out "A Confusion of Bernoulli's" by the Renaissance Mathematicus.)

Epitaph for Nikolaus I Bernoulli in the Peterskirche (Basel) [de]

Pierre Bertholon de Saint-Lazare (21 October 1741 – 21 April 1800) French physicist and priest who is remembered for his studies of electricity, including its atmospheric phenomena, application to the growth of plants, in classifying human ailments according to their positive or negative electrical reactions and for therapies. His work in more diverse fields included urban public health, agriculture, aerostatics and fires, volcanoes and earthquakes. He was influenced by his friendship with Benjamin Franklin, and promoted the use of lightning rods in southern France. Bertholon invented the electrovegetometer to use in his investigation of the application of electricity to the growth of plants. *TIS
To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre Bertholon, 15 February 1778  
(Opening paragraphs)I have been looking for some time, Sir, for an opportunity to give you a printed copy of a memoir on thunder etc.; and I have only now discovered one that is sure; I seize it with the greatest eagerness, to present to you this little trifle as a tribute that all physicists so rightly owe you and that I would be glorious to offer you, if it could somehow merit your attention.8

This memoir was read in one of the most illustrious assemblies of the Kingdom, in the public session of the Academy of Montpellier which is held before the three orders of the province, composed of those of the highest dignity. It was heard with some pleasure, no doubt because of the interest of the subject and certainly because it mentioned your famous name, and your forever memorable discoveries. I was delighted to give public testimony of my feelings for the most famous physicist of the 18th century whom all of Europe reveres and for whom France has a very particular affection. *Google Translate

1823 Birthdate of Enrico Betti. In algebra, he penetrated the ideas of Galois by relating them to the work of Ruffini and Abel. In analysis, his work on elliptic functions was further developed by Weierstrass. In “Analysis situs”, his research inspired Poincar´e, who coined the term “Betti numbers” to characterize the connectivity of surfaces. *VFR He was the first to give a proof that the Galois group is closed under multiplication. Betti also wrote a pioneering memoir on topology, the study of surfaces and space. Betti did important work in theoretical physics, in particular in potential theory and elasticity.*TIS

1833 Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21 Oct 1833; 10 Dec 1896) a Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamite and other, more powerful explosives, was born in Stockholm. An explosives expert like his father, in 1866 he invented a safe and manageable form of nitroglycerin he called dynamite, and later, smokeless gunpowder and (1875) gelignite. He helped to create an industrial empire manufacturing many of his other inventions. Nobel amassed a huge fortune, much of which he left in a fund to endow the annual prizes that bear his name. First awarded in 1901, these prizes were for achievements in the areas of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. The sixth prize, for economics, was instituted in his honour in 1969. *TIS (The well-known anecdote that there is no Nobel prize in mathematics as he thought Mittag-Leffler might win it seems to have no basis in fact.

1855 Giovanni Battista Guccia (21 Oct 1855 in Palermo, Italy - 29 Oct 1914 in Palermo, Italy) Guccia's work was on geometry, in particular Cremona transformations, classification of curves and projective properties of curves. His results published in volume one of the Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo were extended by Corrado Segre in 1888 and Castelnuovo in 1897. *SAU

1882 Harry Schultz Vandiver (21 Oct 1882 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - 9 Jan 1973 in Austin, Texas, USA) Harry developed an antagonism towards public education and left Central High School at an early age to work as a customshouse broker for his father's firm. D H Lehmer writes:

He was self-taught in his youth and must have had little patience with secondary education since he never graduated from high school. This impatience, especially with mathematical education, was to last the rest of his life.

When he was eighteen years old he began to solve many of the number theory problems which were posed in the American Mathematical Monthly, regularly submitting solutions. In addition to solving problems, he began to pose problems himself. By 1902 he was contributing papers to the Monthly. For example he published two short papers in 1902 A Problem Connected with Mersenne's Numbers and Applications of a Theorem Regarding Circulants.
In 1904 he collaborated with Birkhoff on a paper on the prime factors of a^n - b^n published in the Annals of Mathematics. In fact the result they proved was not new, although they were not aware of the earlier work which had been published by A S Bang in 1886. Also in the year 1904, Vandiver published On Some Special Arithmetic Congruences in the American Mathematical Monthly and, although still working as an agent for his father's firm, he did attend some graduate lectures at the University of Pennsylvania. He also began reading papers on algebraic number theory and embarked on a study of the work of Kummer, in particular his contributions to solving Fermat's Last Theorem. Over the next few years he published papers such as Theory of finite algebras (1912), Note on Fermat's last theorem (1914), and Symmetric functions formed by systems of elements of a finite algebra and their connection with Fermat's quotient and Bernoulli's numbers (1917).
The outbreak of World War I in 1914 did not directly affect the United States since the Democratic president Woodrow Wilson made a declaration of neutrality. This policy was controversial but popular enough to see him re-elected in 1916. However US shipping was being disrupted (and sunk) by German submarines and, under pressure from Republicans, Wilson declared war on Germany on 6 April 1917. Vandiver joined the United States Naval Reserve and continued to serve until 1919 when the war had ended. After leaving the Naval Reserve, Birkhoff persuaded Vandiver to become a professional mathematician and to accept a post at Cornell University in 1919. Despite having no formal qualifications, his excellent publication record clearly showed his high quality and he was appointed as an instructor. He also worked during the summer with Dickson at Chicago on his classic treatise History of the Theory of Numbers. In 1924 he moved to the University of Texas where he was appointed as an Associate Professor. He spent the rest of his career at the University of Texas, being promoted to full professor in 1925, then named as distinguished professor of applied mathematics and astronomy in 1947. He continued in this role until he retired in 1966 at the age of 84. *SAU

1893 Bill Ferrar graduated from Oxford after an undergraduate career interrupted by World War I. He lectured at Bangor and Edinburgh before moving back to Oxford. He worked in college administration and eventually became Principal of Hertford College. He worked on the convergence of series. *SAU

1914 Martin Gardner born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. From 1957 to 1980 he wrote the “Mathematical Games” column in Scientific American. Many of these columns have been collected together into the numerous books that he has written. If you want to know more about the person who has done more to popularize mathematics than any other, see the interview with Gardner in Mathematical People. Proiles and Interviews (1985), edited by Donald J. Albers and G. L. Alexanderson, pp. 94–107. *VFR (My favorite tribute to Martin was this one from Ron Graham, “Martin has turned thousands of children into mathematicians, and thousands of mathematicians into children.”)


1872 Jacques Babinet (5 March 1794 – 21 October 1872) was a French physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who is best known for his contributions to optics. A graduate of the École Polytechnique, which he left in 1812 for the Military School at Metz, he was later a professor at the Sorbonne and at the Collège de France. In 1840, he was elected as a member of the Académie Royale des Sciences. He was also an astronomer of the Bureau des Longitudes.
Among Babinet's accomplishments are the 1827 standardization of the Ångström unit for measuring light using the red Cadmium line's wavelength, and the principle (Babinet's principle) that similar diffraction patterns are produced by two complementary screens. He was the first to suggest using wavelengths of light to standardize measurements. His idea was first used between 1960 and 1983, when a meter was defined as a wavelength of light from krypton gas.
In addition to his brilliant lectures on meteorology and optics research, Babinet was also a great promoter of science, an amusing and clever lecturer, and a brilliant, entertaining and prolific author of popular scientific articles. Unlike the majority of his contemporaries, Babinet was beloved by many for his kindly and charitable nature. He is known for the invention of polariscope and an optical goniometer. *Wik

1881 Heinrich Eduard Heine (16 March 1821 in Berlin, Germany - 21 Oct 1881 in Halle, Germany) Heine is best remembered for the Heine-Borel theorem. He was responsible for the introduction of the idea of uniform continuity.*SAU

1967 Ejnar Hertzsprung (8 Oct 1873, 21 Oct 1967) Danish astronomer who classified types of stars by relating their surface temperature (or color) to their absolute brightness. A few years later Russell illustrated this relationship graphically in what is now known as the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, which has become fundamental to the study of stellar evolution. In 1913 he established the luminosity scale of Cepheid variable stars.*TIS

1969 WacLlaw Sierpinski (14 March 1882 in Warsaw, - 21 Oct 1969 in Warsaw) His grave carries—according to his wish—the inscription: Investigator of infinity. [Kuratowski, A Half Century of Polish Mathematics, p. 173; Works, p. 14] *VFR Sierpinski's most important work is in the area of set theory, point set topology and number theory. In set theory he made important contributions to the axiom of choice and to the continuum hypothesis. *SAU

2000 Dirk Jan Struik (30 Sept 1894 , 21 Oct 2000) Dirk Jan Struik (September 30, 1894 – October 21, 2000) was a Dutch mathematician and Marxian theoretician who spent most of his life in the United States.
In 1924, funded by a Rockefeller fellowship, Struik traveled to Rome to collaborate with the Italian mathematician Tullio Levi-Civita. It was in Rome that Struik first developed a keen interest in the history of mathematics. In 1925, thanks to an extension of his fellowship, Struik went to Göttingen to work with Richard Courant compiling Felix Klein's lectures on the history of 19th-century mathematics. He also started researching Renaissance mathematics at this time.
Struik was a steadfast Marxist. Having joined the Communist Party of the Netherlands in 1919, he remained a Party member his entire life. When asked, upon the occasion of his 100th birthday, how he managed to pen peer-reviewed journal articles at such an advanced age, Struik replied blithely that he had the "3Ms" a man needs to sustain himself: Marriage (his wife, Saly Ruth Ramler, was not alive when he turned one hundred in 1994), Mathematics, and Marxism.
It is therefore not surprising that Dirk suffered persecution during the McCarthyite era. He was accused of being a Soviet spy, a charge he vehemently denied. Invoking the First and Fifth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, he refused to answer any of the 200 questions put forward to him during the HUAC hearing. He was suspended from teaching for five years (with full salary) by MIT in the 1950s. Struik was re-instated in 1956. He retired from MIT in 1960 as Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.
Aside from purely academic work, Struik also helped found the Journal of Science and Society, a Marxian journal on the history, sociology and development of science.
In 1950 Stuik published his Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry.
Struik's other major works include such classics as A Concise History of Mathematics, Yankee Science in the Making, The Birth of the Communist Manifesto, and A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200-1800, all of which are considered standard textbooks or references.
Struik died October 21, 2000, 21 days after celebrating his 106th birthday. *Wik

2002 Bernhard Hermann Neumann (15 Oct 1909 in Berlin, Germany - 21 Oct 2002 in Canberra, Australia) Neumann is one of the leading figures in group theory who has influenced the direction of the subject in many different ways. While still in Berlin he published his first group theory paper on the automorphism group of a free group. However his doctoral thesis at Cambridge introduced a new major area into group theory research. In his thesis he initiated the study of varieties of groups, that is classes of groups defined which are by a collection of laws which must hold when any group elements are substituted into them. *SAU

Credits :
*CHM=Computer History Museum
*FFF=Kane, Famous First Facts
*NSEC= NASA Solar Eclipse Calendar
*RMAT= The Renaissance Mathematicus, Thony Christie
*SAU=St Andrews Univ. Math History
*TIA = Today in Astronomy
*TIS= Today in Science History
*VFR = V Frederick Rickey, USMA
*Wik = Wikipedia
*WM = Women of Mathematics, Grinstein & Campbell

Sunday 20 October 2024

Dissection Puzzles, a Little History

   It is known that Archimedes created a game/puzzle with the dissection of a square into 14 pieces.  The object of the puzzle is to put the pieces back together to form a square. A more difficult question, unknown for over 2000 years, is how many unique ways are there of putting the pieces together to form a square. Bill Cutler used a computer program to show that there are 536 unique ways to assemble the pieces not counting similar rotations and reflections. All 536 solutions are visible in this article from Ed Pegg's web site.

The Archimedes Palimpsest is a parchment codex palimpsest, which originally was a 10th-century Byzantine Greek copy of an otherwise unknown work of Archimedes of Syracuse and other authors. It was overwritten with a Christian religious text by 13th-century monks. The erasure was incomplete, and Archimedes' work is now readable after scientific and scholarly work from 1998 to 2008 using digital processing of images produced by ultraviolet, infrared, visible and raking light, and X-ray.

The Palimpsest is the only known copy of "Stomachion". The origin of the puzzle's name is unclear, and it has been suggested that it is taken from the ancient Greek word for throat or gullet, stomachos (στόμαχος). Ausonius refers to the puzzle as Ostomachion, a Greek compound word formed from the roots ofὀστέον (osteon, bone) and μάχη (machē – fight). The puzzle is also known as the Loculus of Archimedes or Archimedes'Box. Loculus seems to be a word related to the division of a tomb area into small chambers for different bodies and is related to the diminutive of locus for a point or place, thus "a little place". (I don't yet get the connection between the puzzle and stomach. Bob Mrotek pointed out to me in a comment that the Stomahion may be a later condesation of the Greek Ostomachion, Ὀστομάχιον, "a word meaning a fight (μάχη, mákhion) with bones (ὀστέον, ostéon) in reference to the pieces which were often made out of ivory." Which now appears as well on Wikipedia.)

The puzzle is sold by Kadon as Archimedes Square:

Amazingly, the next "put-together" puzzle of geometric shapes didn't appear until 1742.  The wisdom plates of Sei Shonagon is a seven piece puzzle.  They appeared in China 71 years before the more famous Tangram puzzle.  The second edition of this puzzle, published in 1743, is the oldest known surviving puzzle of this type.


Tangram is a name of a Chinese puzzle of seven pieces that became popular in Europe around the middle of the 19th century. It seems to have been brought back to England by Sailors returning from Hong Kong. The origin of the name is not definite. One theory is that it comes from the Cantonese word for chin. A second is that it is related to a mispronunciation of a Chinese term that the sailors used for the ladies of the evening from whom they learned the game. [Concubines on the floating brothels of Canton, Hong Kong, and many other ports belonged to an ethnic group called the Tanka whose ancestors came from the interior of the country to become fishermen and pearl divers. They were considered as non-Chinese by the governments of China until 1731. They were unique among Chinese women in refusing to have their feet bound. ] A third suggestion is that it is from the archaic Chinese root for the number seven, which still persists in the Tanabata festival on July seventh in Japan which celebrates the reunion of the weaver (Vega) and the herdsman (Altair). David Singmaster, below, suggests the name was made up by puzzle master Sam Loyd, but I favor Harvard President Thomas Hill (below) . Whatever the origin of the name, the use of the seven shapes as a game in China were supposed to date back to the origin of the Chou dynasty over one thousand years before the common era. The Chinese name is Ch'i ch'iao t'u which translates, so I am told, as "ingenious plan of seven".

It appears however, that the game and the name are both much more modern than believed. From the website, I found that " The Tangram was invented between 1796 and 1802 in China by Yang-cho-chu-shih. He published the book Ch'i ch'iao t'u (Pictures using seven clever pieces). The first European publication of Tangrams was in 1817. The word Tangram itself was coined by Dr. Thomas Hill in 1848 for his book Geometrical Puzzles for the Young. He became the president of Harvard in 1862, and also invented the game Halma.
When Tangrams hit Europe they were an immediate success.  A puzzle museum on-line boasts a collection of a dozen books which were all written within a year of 1817 when Tangrams were supposedly introduced into Europe:

Here is some history of the game by David Singmaster, one of the world's foremost authorities on recreational mathematics,

TANGRAMS. These are traditionally associated with China of several thousand years ago, but the earliest books are from the early 19C and appear in the west and in China at about the same time.
(although the image below with tangram problems to create was printed in Japan in 1795, and  Utamaro’s “Tagasode” is a famous 1804 Japanese blockprint that shows Tagasode and her servent trying to solve Tangrams), Indeed the word 'tangram' appears to be a 19C American invention (probably by Sam Loyd). A slightly different form of the game appears in Japan in a booklet by Ganreiken in 1742. Takagi says the author's real name is unknown, but Slocum & Botermans say it was probably Fan Chu Sen. There is an Utamaro woodcut of 1780 showing some form of the game (not yet seen by me). I have seen a 1786 print - Interior of an Edo House, from The Edo Sparrows or Chattering Guide - that may show the game. Needham says there are some early Chinese books, and van der Waals' historical chapter in Elffers' book Tangram cites a number with the following titles.
Ch'i Ch'iao ch'u pien ho-pi. >1820.
Ch'i Ch'iao hsin p'u. 1815 and later.
Ch'i Ch'iao pan. c1820.
Ch'i Ch'iao t'u ho-pi. Introduction by Sang-Hsi Ko. 1813 and later. remarks inserted from a description of the book in Tangram by Joost Elffers, {Located in the Leiden Library #6891: This book, with an introduction by Sang-Hsi Ko, is, as far as is known, the oldest example of a Chinese game-book. ] I would like to see some of these or photocopies of them. I would also be interested in seeing antique versions of the game itself. The only historical antecedent is the 'Loculus of Archimedes', a 14 piece puzzle known from about -3C to 6C in the Greek world. Could it have traveled to China? I found a plastic version of the Loculus on sale in Xian, made in Liaoning province. I wrote to the manufacturer to get more, but have had no reply.
For the 10th International Puzzle Party, Naoki Takashima sent a reproduction of a 1881 Japanese edition of an 1803 Chinese book on Tangrams which he says is the earliest known Tangram book.
Jean-Claude Martzloff found some some drawings of tangram-like puzzles from a 1727 booklet Wakoku Chie-kurabe, reproduced in Akira Hirayama's T“zai S–gaku Monogatari Heibonsha of 1973. Takagi has kindly sent his reprint of this booklet, but I am unsure as to the author, etc.

*Utamaro’s “Tagasode”
The "Ganriken" mentioned in Dr. Singmaster's post was a pseudonym, and it seems unclear who the actual author was.  The book was titled "Sei-Shonagon Chie-no-Ita", which translates to "the ingenious pieces of Sei Shonagon". From Wikipedia, "Sei Shonagon was a lady-in-waiting at the Japanese Imperial Court in the beginning of the 11th Century. She kept a personal diary of sorts in which she wrote down her experiences but mainly her feelings. Such diaries were common at the time and were called pillow books because these books were often kept next to people's pillows in which they would write their experiences and observations. The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon gives an invaluable insight into the world of the Imperial Court of Kyoto a thousand years ago. Sei Shonagon's observations are witty, wry, poignant, and at times condescending."

Tangrams received another boost in popularity when Charles Dodgson, writing as Lewis Carroll, used them to create illustrations of the Characters in the "Alice" books. In the Penguin Books translation of Tangram by Joost Elffers he states that English Puzzle writer H. E. Dudney purchased a copy of a play-book called The Fashionable Chinese Puzzle from Dodgeson's estate. This book seems to be the most common source of the assertion that Napoleon was an avid Tangram player,

And recently I found this beautiful set of 19th Century Tangram dishes made in China,which are in the Hikimi Town Puzzle Museum in Japan.

On This Day in Math - October 20


The mathematician plays a game in which he himself invents the rules while the physicist plays a game in which the rules are provided by nature, but as time goes on it becomes increasingly evident that the rules which the mathematician finds interesting are the same as those which nature has chosen.
~Paul Dirac

The 293rd day of the year; 293 is a Sophie Germain Prime. (A prime number p such that 2p + 1 is also prime.) Sophie Germain used them in her investigations of Fermat's Last Theorem. It is an unproven conjecture that there are infinitely many Sophie Germain primes.

293 is also the sum of five cubes, 293=23+23+33+53+53

Prime Curios points out that 300 is kind of prissy, but for math bowlers, the largest prime you can get in the game is 293. Just got to pick off three in the corner on this last roll....

and from Jim Wilder @Wilderlab : 293202 begins with the digits 202 and 202293 begins with the digits 293.


1698 Halley began a scientific voyage on HMS Paramore & set out to measure magnetic variation & search for Terra Incognita. His log entry from the 20th says "Wind WSW a Small Gale I sailed from Deptford about Noon " *Kate Morant‏@KateMorant (Deptford is a small area near Greenwich, east of London along the Thames)
Under instructions from the Admiralty, he commanded the war sloop Paramore Pink in 1698–1700 on one of the first sea voyages undertaken for purely scientific purposes, this one to make measurements of the compass declination (the angle between magnetic north and true north) in the South Atlantic and to determine accurate latitudes and longitudes of his ports of call.

1735 Benjamin Franklin’s paper “On the Usefulness of Mathematics,” appeared in the Pennsylvania Gazette. [NCTM yearbook # 32(1970), p. 20]*VFR
I have also seen the date given as October 30. Some historians also question whether or not this was actually written by Franklin.(most now say not.)
Edward Hogan wrote, "Before 1798, the only mathematics of any consequence that had been done in the United States was Franklin's work with magic squares, and a few notes by David Rittenhouse.
In his autobiography, his known contributions amount to a single sentence speaking of his duties as burgess of the Assembly,

1744 In Euler's missing letter of October 20, 1744, Euler announced that he had just discovered a simple curve that exhibited something called a cusp of the second kind or a ramphoid from the Greek for a bird’s beak. L'H^opital (1661-1704) is responsible for defining these two types of cusps. In 1740, Jean-Paul de Gua de Malves (1713- 1785) published a proof that no algebraic curve could have a cusp of the second kind in [Gua de Malves 1740]. Euler was familiar with Gua de Malves' work and had initially accepted his result, but in 1744 he discovered that there was a subtle flaw in the supposed proof. In this letter, he wrote to Cramer that even in the fourth order there is a curved line of this kind, whose equation is, y4- 2xy2 + x2 = x3+ 4yx, which simplifies to y = x(1/2) +/- x(3/4)

*Ed Sandifer, How Euler Did It, MAA

1825 On a blustery day in New York City, hundreds showed up at Castle-Garden to see the first solo balloon flight in America by a woman. The Commercial Advertisor the next day would describe the crowd as gathered to see, "one of the most sublime and beautiful sights imaginable." Madame F. Johnson would take her seat in the gondola about 5pm waving to the crowd with a French flag in her right hand and an American Flag in her left. She made her way up to about 3.5 miles high, and drifted over Brooklyn before landing in a salt marsh near Flatlands, about 200 yards from the sea.

1868 Norman Lockyer independently observed the spectral line in the sun of the previously unknown element which he would call Helium. It had been found in August of the same year during observation of a Solar eclipse in India by a French astronomer, Pierre Jansson. By incredible chance, both letters arrived at he French Academy on the same day, and so they are considered co-discoverers. The spectroscope used by Lockyer, shown below, had only been completed four days before his discovery.

1881 In a letter to Newcomb dated Oct. 20, 1881, Sylvester writes to Charles S. Peirce, "Who is to be the new superintendent of the Coast Survey?
Why should you not allow it to be known that you would accept the appointment supposing you would be willing to do so!" Sylvester was the eminent British mathematician who served as the first chairman of the Department of Mathematics at the Johns Hopkins University (1876-1883). He returned to England in 1884 to occupy the chair of Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford. *THE CHARLES S. PElRCE-SIMON NEWCOMB CORRESPONDENCE
Peirce *Wik

On this day in 1939 the three Polish mathematicians Rejewski, Rozycki and Zygalski began decoding German Enigma cipher messages from a station near Paris. World War II began about two weeks later.

1958 Italy issued a stamp to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the birth of Evangelista Torricelli, mathematician and physicist. [Scott #754]. *VFR

1975 The Public Record office in London released information on the Colossus, one of the first programmable electronic digital computers. It was built in 1943 for work on cryptography. The Colossus machines were electronic computing devices used by British codebreakers to help read encrypted German messages during World War II. They used vacuum tubes (thermionic valves) to perform the calculations.
Colossus was designed by engineer Tommy Flowers with input from Harry Fensom, Allen Coombs, Sidney Broadhurst and William Chandler at the Post Office Research Station, Dollis Hill to solve a problem posed by mathematician Max Newman at Bletchley Park. The prototype, Colossus Mark 1, was shown to be working in December 1943 and was operational at Bletchley Park by February 1944. An improved Colossus Mark 2 first worked on 1 June 1944, just in time for the Normandy Landings. Ten Colossi were in use by the end of the war. No information about the computer was released until this date. *Wik

1980, Carl Sagan appeared on the cover of TIME

On September 28, 1980, the 13-part television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage debuted on hundreds of public broadcasting stations across America. The show was a huge success, bringing in some of PBS’s best ratings ever. As early as October of 1980, Sagan, a Cornell professor, astronomer, and author, was a public celebrity. Throughout the 1980s, Cosmos was a go-to “pledge drive” series, guaranteed to bring in big ratings even in re-runs.

1983, the length of the meter was redefined by the international body Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (GCPM) by a method to give greater accuracy. Originally based on one ten-millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the equator, the meter was re-established as the distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second *TIS (We adjusted the measure of distance by using wavelength of light which had been measured using that same distance scale???? Don't think about it, it will only make you crazy.)

2004 The First Ubuntu Linux Distribution Released. Ubuntu is a free computer operating system based on Debian GNU​/Linux. Its name loosely translated from the Zulu means "humanity," or "a person is a person only through other people." Ubuntu is intended to provide an up-to-date, stable operating system for the average user, with a strong focus on usability and ease of installation. Ubuntu has been rated the most popular Linux distribution for the desktop, claiming approximately 30 percent of desktop Linux installations, according to the 2007 Desktop Linux Market survey. Ubuntu is open source and free. It is sponsored by Canonical Ltd, which is owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth​.*CHM

1616 Thomas Bartholin (20 Oct 1616; 4 Dec 1680) Danish anatomist and mathematician who was first to describe fully the entire human lymphatic system (1652). He was one of the earliest defenders of Harvey's discovery of the circulation of blood. He was a member of the mathematical faculty of the University of Copenhagen, 1647-49, and anatomy professor there, 1649-61. He published many works on anatomy, physiology and medicine, (1645-74) and in 1658 a general work on pharmacology. In 1654, along with the rest of the medical faculty at the university, Bartholin published advice to the people on how to take care of themselves during the plague. King Christian V named Bartholin as his personal physician, with an annual salary, although Bartholin rarely had to treat the king. *TIS

1632 Sir Christopher Wren (20 Oct 1632; 25 Feb 1723) Architect, astronomer, and geometrician who was the greatest English architect of his time whose famous masterpiece is St. Paul's Cathedral, among many other buildings after London's Great Fire of 1666. Wren learned scientific skills as an assistant to an eminent anatomist. Through astronomy, he developed skills in working models, diagrams and charting that proved useful when he entered architecture. He inventing a "weather clock" similar to a modern barometer, new engraving methods, and helped develop a blood transfusion technique. He was president of the Royal Society 1680-82. His scientific work was highly regarded by Sir Isaac Newton as stated in the Principia. *TIS (I love the message on his tomb in the Crypt of St. Pauls: Si monumentum requiris circumspice ...."Reader, if you seek his monument, look about you."

1863 William Henry Young (20 Oct 1863 in London, England - 7 July 1942 in Lausanne, Switzerland) discovered Lebesgue integration, independently but 2 years after Lebesgue. He studied Fourier series and orthogonal series in general.

1865 Aleksandr Petrovich Kotelnikov (20 Oct 1865 in Kazan, Russia - 6 March 1944 in Moscow, USSR) In 1927 he published one of his most important works, The Principle of Relativity and Lobachevsky's Geometry. He also worked on quaternions and applied them to mechanics and geometry. Among his other major pieces of work was to edit the Complete Works of two mathematicians, Lobachevsky and Zhukovsky. He received many honours for his work, being named Honoured Scientist in 1934, then one year before he died he was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. *SAU

1891 Sir James Chadwick (20 Oct 1891; 24 Jul 1974) English physicist who received the Nobel Prize for Physics (1935) for his discovery of the neutron. He studied at Cambridge, and in Berlin under Geiger, then worked at the Cavendish Laboratory with Rutherford, where he investigated the structure of the atom. He worked on the scattering of alpha particles and on nuclear disintegration. By bombarding beryllium with alpha particles, Chadwick discovered the neutron - a neutral particle in the atom's nucleus - for which he received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1935. In 1932, Chadwick coined the name "neutron," which he described in an article in the journal Nature. He led the UK's work on the atomic bomb in WW II, and was knighted in 1945. *TIS

1904 Hans Lewy (October 20, 1904 – August 23, 1988) was an American mathematician, known for his work on partial differential equations and on the theory of functions of several complex variables.*Wik

1914 R. H. Bing (October 20, 1914, Oakwood, Texas – April 28, 1986, Austin, Texas) was an American mathematician who worked mainly in the areas of geometric topology and continuum theory. His first two names were just single letters that do not stand for anything. Bing's mathematical research was almost exclusively in 3-manifold theory and in particular, the geometric topology of R3. The term Bing-type topology was coined to describe the style of methods used by Bing.
Bing established his reputation early on in 1946, soon after completing his Ph.D. dissertation, by solving the Kline sphere characterization problem. In 1948 he proved that the pseudo-arc is homogeneous, contradicting a published but erroneous 'proof' to the contrary. In 1951 he proved results regarding the metrizability of topological spaces, including what would later be called the Bing-Nagata-Smirnov metrization theorem.*Wik

1631 Michael Maestlin (30 September 1550, Göppingen – 20 October 1631, Tübingen) was a German astronomer and mathematician, known for being the mentor of Johannes Kepler.
Maestlin studied theology, mathematics, and astronomy/astrology at the Tübinger Stift in Tübingen, a town in Württemberg. He graduated as Magister in 1571 and became in 1576 a Lutheran deacon in Backnang, continuing his studies there.
In 1580 he became a Professor of mathematics, first at the University of Heidelberg, then at the University of Tübingen where he taught for 47 years from 1583. In 1582 Maestlin wrote a popular introduction to astronomy.
Among his students was Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). Although he primarily taught the traditional geocentric Ptolemaic view of the solar system, Maestlin was also one of the first to accept and teach the heliocentric Copernican view. Maestlin corresponded with Kepler frequently and played a sizable part in his adoption of the Copernican system. Galileo Galilei's adoption of heliocentrism was also attributed to Maestlin.
The first known calculation [3] of the reciprocal of the golden ratio as a decimal of "about 0.6180340" was written in 1597 by Maestlin in a letter to Kepler.
He is also remembered for :
Catalogued the Pleiades cluster on 24 December 1579. Eleven stars in the cluster were recorded by Maestlin, and possibly as many as fourteen were observed.
Occultation of Mars by Venus on 13 October 1590, seen by Maestlin at Heidelberg. *Wik

1896 François-Félix Tisserand (13 Jan 1845, 20 Oct 1896) French astronomer whose 4-volume textbook Traité de mécanique céleste (1889-96; "Treatise on Celestial Mechanics") updated Pierre-Simon Laplace's work. At age 28, he was named Director at Toulouse Observatory (1873-78). He went to Japan to observe the 1874 transit of Venus. The 83-cm telescope he installed at the Toulouse Observatory in 1875 had a wooden base insufficiently stable for photographic work, but he was able to use it for observation of the satellites of Jupiter and of Saturn. From 1892 until his death he was director of the Paris Observatory, where he completed the major work, Catalogue photographique de la carte du ciel, and arranged for its publication.*TIS

1972 Harlow Shapley (2 Nov 1885, 20 Oct 1972) Astronomer, known as "The Modern Copernicus," who discovered the Sun's position in the galaxy. From 1914 to 1921 he was at Mt. Wilson Observatory, where he calibrated Henrietta S. Leavitt's period vs. luminosity relation for Cepheid variable stars and used it to determine the distances of globular clusters. He boldly and correctly proclaimed that the globulars outline the Galaxy, and that the Galaxy is far larger than was generally believed and centered thousands of light years away in the direction of Sagittarius. In the early 1920's, Shapley entered a "Great Debate" with Heber D. Curtis. They truly argued over the "Scale of the Universe."*TIS

1974 Harold Ruse graduated from Oxford and held a position at Edinburgh University. he later became a professor at Southampton and Leeds. He worked on Harmonic Spaces. He became Secretary of the EMS in 1930 and President in 1935. *SAU

1984 Paul A.M. Dirac (8 Aug 1902, 20 Oct 1984) English physicist and mathematician who originated quantum mechanics and the spinning electron theory. In 1933 he shared the Nobel Prize for Physics with the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger.*TIS

A fun read about Dirac is Here , 

An interview with a Laconic Scientist


1987 Andrey Nikolayevich Kolmogorov (25 Apr 1903, 20 Oct 1987) Russian mathematician whose basic postulates for probability theory that have continued to be an integral part of analysis. This work had diverse applications such as his study of the motion of planets (1954), or the turbulent air flow from a jet engine (1941). In topology, he investigated cohomology groups. He made a major contribution to answering the probability part of Hilbert's Sixth Problem, and completely resolved (1957) Hilbert's Thirteenth Problem. Kolmogorov was active in a project to provide special education for gifted children, not only by writing textbooks and in teaching them, but in expanding their interests to be not necessarily in mathematics, but with literature, music, and healthy activity such as on hikes and expeditions. *TIS

2014 Gilbert Baumslag (April 30, 1933 – October 20, 2014) was a Distinguished Professor at the City College of New York, with joint appointments in mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering. He was director of the Center for Algorithms and Interactive Scientific Software, which grew out of the MAGNUS computational group theory project he also headed. Baumslag was also the organizer of the New York Group Theory Seminar.

Baumslag graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa with a B.Sc. Honours (Masters) and D.Sc. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester in 1958; his thesis, written under the direction of Bernhard Neumann, was titled Some aspects of groups with unique roots. His contributions include the Baumslag–Solitar groups and parafree groups.

Baumslag was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study in 1968–69.[5] In 2012, he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society *Wik


Credits :
*CHM=Computer History Museum
*FFF=Kane, Famous First Facts
*NSEC= NASA Solar Eclipse Calendar
*RMAT= The Renaissance Mathematicus, Thony Christie
*SAU=St Andrews Univ. Math History
*TIA = Today in Astronomy
*TIS= Today in Science History
*VFR = V Frederick Rickey, USMA
*Wik = Wikipedia
*WM = Women of Mathematics, Grinstein & Campbell